Ted and I learned yesterday that our mail was packed up prior to Ike's visit and taken to another post office about 45 miles from our home. We went there to retrieve it, but the postmaster said she had not had time to unpack the large cartons, but would try to do so by Monday afternoon.
One reason I had worried and fretted about the mail is that family members and friends had mailed checks for the education scholarship fund we established in Mother's memory and I did not know how to acknowledge the gifts or send them to the bank.
The postmaster assured me that all mail is accounted for and that took a load off of our minds. We are still to use the old address of Post Office Box 323, Port Bolivar, Texas 77650 and the post office will take care of the forwarding for some time until we all know what we can do toward rebuilding.
Ted and I are safe in our RV in Beaumont and got power late this afternoon. Yeah! We have determined that very cold showers are very quick showers! Tonight, we can have warm showers for the first time since arriving back in Southeast Texas and I can make fresh coffee in a traditional manner for my husband in the morning.
Please keep on praying for us and for our area. There are many needs and so many people without housing and other necessities of life. We were able to fly over the area in a private, charter plane day before yesterday and confirm that our house and possessions are gone. Tomorrow, if all goes well, my boss and publisher and I will visit the Peninsula by land to get our first up close and personal look. Everyone reports that it is indeed devastating.
Until the next page turns,
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