Things are beginning to take on somewhat of a routine and we are safe in the RV in Beaumont. Ted's sister and brother in law have acreage here and we can enjoy their yard now that it is being cleaned up from Hurricane Ike.
Ted and I were allowed on Bolivar Peninsula on Sunday due to my National Press Pass and an Emergency Management hologram provided by my boss. I am a writer and I cannot describe adequately the destruction and devastation we saw on our beloved Peninsula. It is so much worse than the fly-over in the chartered plane showed. When you walk across the site that used to be your home and you can find nothing of your possessions, it is mind boggling.
There is still no water and no power and much discussion as to whether or not insurance will or will not pay off at this time. Friends report that even though they had flood insurance, as well as homeowner's and the required Texas Windstorm, at least two have been told that the policy did not cover "surge water," which is what Hurricane Ike brought in to our area. Ted believes that the windstorm will have to pay for our house because it was clear (to him, at least) that the wind came first and knocked the cabin off the pilings before the 13-15 feet wall of water hit.
I have interviewed four people now that stayed out the storm on the Peninsula and they have tales to tell. People are continually reported missing and have not been heard from since the storm. Officials stated that they might have been washed out to sea clinging to their houses or floating objects
I posted 123 photographs that I took on Sunday on the Peninsula if you'd care to see them. Please simply email and I will send you the necessary invitation to view the pics. Don't want to overload anyone's in-box with material that they don't want.
I am attaching a recent photo of "the Stancil clan" taken at Mother's memorial service in Groves. We're all there except for my precious Nikki, Steve and the boys. Included in the pic is Kelley Nolan, the young lady who helped us so much in the care of Mother.
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