Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday Morning, May 17, from the beach on Bolivar...

I am getting the hang of this new "blogging world," and thus far, am enjoying it immensely. So good to hear from those of you who have logged on and read my posts. I especially appreciate those of you who have commented on one story or another. The pictures are fun and help to keep us up to date.

I am notified each time there is a "comment" made on my blog, so looking forward to hearing from more of you guys.

Luke and Trish - Loved the new pics of car show and dance you sent today! Millie - Good to hear from you, too, and Nelda, as always, good to catch up! Good luck on those diets and I'm excited about your coming trip. Tell Michael Happy 50th! It won't hurt him at all.

Cloudy grey skies today over the Gulf, but pleasantly cool for this time of the year. The water is as still as can be and looks like a giant mirror off the back deck. There's about ten ships at anchor waiting to be escorted by pilot ships into the Ship Channel or on to Galveston and Houston. This is not uncommon with traffic so heavy attempting to get products and services into port. Occasionally we see a giant oil rig being towed in for repairs or additions. Lots of drilling and exploring all over Texas just now and especially in the Gulf waters.

Fishing hasn't hit hard yet, although Ted and I caught about 30 ocean cats day before yesterday.

Life is good — filled with love and laughter and a real sense of peace. Retirement is wonderful. I love not having set schedules moderating my every action and I'm learning to sleep later each day it seems.

Will be posting more of my columns in the near future.

Let me know what you're interested in reading most.

Until the page turns,

1 comment:

Martha said...

Just checking out your new blog. Looking good!