May God bless you in 2010 with health, happiness, enough income, something profitable and fun to do, and family members and friends to surround you and share your joys and trials.
Our weather is cool here on the peninsula and we heard last night that the forecasters are predicting the possibility of snow showers on Wednesday for us folks in Southeast Texas. How could that be? We are excited, of course, at the prospect and the kids think it is great.
For those of you who are keeping up, Ted and I, like so many of our neighbors and friends on Bolivar, are still waiting on Texas Windstorm Insurance Association to settle on our claim so that we can begin to rebuild our home and our lives. God has blessed our family with a nice leased home in Crystal Beach, and we realize we are so much more fortunate than many who cannot get back to the peninsula because of not having a home. It is been a long nearly 16 months now to wait this out, but we are trying to be patient. We, like most, have filed lawsuits now to try to get our money that is fairly owed to us.
Another body (or the remains of a body) was positively identified on Friday. It was Harry Bingham, 61, of Crystal beach, and his daughter in New Jersey has now been told. The Laura Recovery Center in Houston confirmed that DNA evidence made the news official and even though Harry's body had been discovered on September 8, 2009, near Smith Point, it took this long to get the confirmation. For many families, Hurricane Ike is still very close to the heart and not over by a long shot although it is considered "old news" to many now.
I have personally asked God to help me be more gracious to all I meet, keep my mouth shut more often, and to try to help those I meet along the way with a genuine and sincere spirit.
Steven has enjoyed his break from school and will go back on Monday. His band, Seaweed, played on New Year's Eve, after much practice here in our home. He loves music and is doing well on both guitar and drums. Callie Grace is also a budding musician and is now back home in Texas after a visit to Georgia over Christmas. Both Brent and Nikki now live in or near St. Petersburg, Florida, very near the Gulf. Brent pastors the Community Bible Baptist Church and Nikki begins a new job on Monday. Please pray for both of them and their families. Brendan is a fine young man and growing like a weed.
May God bless you until the next page turns,
1 comment:
Nice to find out what's going on in your life. Glad to see things are moving along and progress is being made every day. Take care!
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