Today on August 4, 2010, here in Texas, we are told to protect all human and pet life and be careful to stay properly hydrated. It is to be somewhere in the triple digets this afternoon and I believe every word I hear about it. When I left the office to go to the post office, my car was so hot, I could barely touch the steering wheel or the seats.
One of my friends who is somewhat of a comedian said, "Last time she checked, it was hotter than the hinges of hell's doors." Don't want to ever know about that heat...
Lots of exciting things going on right now...
Brendan, Nikki's youngest son, is visiting for two weeks and we are so happy to have him here with us. He flew in on Saturday and we picked him up at Hobby. He will be here through the 24th. He and PaPa Ted have gone to the skateboard park today and to get haircuts.
Working every hour I am off on the new book, "Wind Over Bolivar," and it is coming along great now. Should be out by Thanksgiving if we can stay on course.
Also working on two reunions - one for my CHS graduating class - the big 50th - to be held at Lake Lanier Island Resort on October 1, 2, and 3, 2010. We are so excited to see everyone and we have four lake houses reserved plus rooms at the lodge. Butch and the Buckheads will play music of our era and it should be a lot of fun.
The second reunion is one that a dear old friend of mine, Jackie Vickery, and I have put together for old friends of Forrest Hills Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia. We have tried to reach out to all those who might want to attend. That one is October 9, from 1-3, 2010, at the beautiful Bethesda Park in Lawrenceville. We have reserved the Gwinnett County Senior Citizens Center for this event and are urging all of our old and dear friends to come on out and join us for the fun afternoon.
And, Nehemiah's Vision, where I serve as Site Director for Galveston County, is gearing up for a huge building project. It is anticipated that we will employ 80 people in the construction industry in conjunction with Texas Workforce. Interviewing, handling orientation, getting drug screening, and assignments to job sites will be hectic for a while, but will yield some wonderful results for the people of the area. We are so excited to see the hope of our people getting back into permanent housing after almost two years of waiting.
Steven will begin 10th grade in a few more days - Goodness, where did this summer go? I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by lately. My mother will be dead two years on August 26, and Hurricane Ike hit the peninsula on September 13, 2008. WOW!
Take care until the next page turns,
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