OK, Millie, so I've been slack about writing on my blog. Forgive me again. I'll do better, I promise.
Life is too fast these days and moving much too quickly for me to stay on top of all my doings. Summer is running across the pages of the calendar and I don't get everything done I want to accomplish in any given day.
Still writing for The Beach Triton and two stories due today to beat deadline for printing. Have the ideas now and will get that done asap. Jan, hold up the presses, please. I'll get right on the stories and get them in to you by close of business today.
Rather bad news at the eye doctor day before yesterday. Been having some bad headaches and Ted made an appointment and insisted I keep it. Left eye has lost ground over the years and the surgery I had on it in fourth grade was unsuccessful, which we already knew. New news was that perhaps treatment could have helped saved some of the sight in it. Was diagnosed as "legally blind" in that eye with only 20/200 vision and eligible for some help and an extra tax exemption. Good right eye that has always had 20/20 vision now reduced to 20/70 (not good) and is tiring because of doing all the work for two eyes. The doctor explained that the brain sends out the signals for the eyes to see. Left eye won't so strain goes to right eye thus causing the headaches.
Got new, much more powerful glasses and a big black pirate eye patch for the left eye to help reduce the stress by having it try to work. Moral to friends and family – keep those eye doctor appointments and listen to what he or she says. Great fun for friends with eye patch jokes...My Mom...the Pirate, Captain Wig Eye (courtesy of Brent), Aaaarggggg (in many different versions), Captain MaMa of the Seven Seas, and so forth. Creative friends and family of mine...
Decided I am way tired of being without my faithful dog, Anchor, and found one available from the same kennel where my original one was born and reared in Waverly, Tennessee. Ordered a direct descendant of Anchor from Kodiak, a pure bred Siberian Samoyed, and Steve, my son in law, will pick up and bring him down around the first of August. Attaching a pic of the quite beautiful and charming "Mr. Green," his unofficial name in the kennel, along with his brother. Kennel owner puts colored collars on new puppies to help tell them apart and owners choose "real" names when they are picked up or delivered. There's nothing quite like a Samoyed ball of fur that grows into a wonderful family pet that is not dirty and does not shed. Read up on the breed and you will love "the smiling dogs," too.
(Mr. Green is the sleepy looking pal on the left looking at the picture. His brother is on the right and more awake looking).
We've found a much larger and more comfortable home here on the Gulf to have until we can build again. Marsh cabin is nice enough, and we appreciate the use of it, but small for the three of us. Plans are to relocate by the first of the month with everyone's blessing. Will miss my view of the marsh and all of its inhabitants, but will still be on the gorgeous Gulf. Thank God for good people who care. We need room for family and friends to come and visit and for us to have enough space to do our own things such as reading and games.
Steven begins high school in late August and we are gearing up for that. Today, Ted has Steven and his good friend, Diego, studying the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. Ever the educator, he doesn't want them to get out of practice during the summer months. Steven is enrolled in the AP or Fast Track program for college and will carry a full load, plus his music, in a few weeks now.
For now, we are enjoying the beach and the lazy, hazy days of summer.
Until the next page turns,
If you have had a change in your address since last Christmas (and many have), please send me a quick email giving me that change along with a current telephone number.
brendacannonhenley@yahoo.com. Thanks so much. Ours remains Post Office Box 323, Port Bolivar, Texas 77650. New home phone is (409) 684-7285.
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